(Saturday, October 06, 2007)
we felt like our existence is solitary.
at the exact moment, we felt like kings of the world.
dental defecation.
(Tuesday, October 02, 2007)
when i woke up this morning, i felt something soft and bouncy in my mouth. in a morning semi conscious mind layer with the fatigue from the traveling, i tried to list the things that i ate yesterday and nothing came close to soft and bouncy and tender.
so out of sheer reaction, i shoved my thumb and my forefinger into the mouth and pick it out. i didn't have my mind with me still so i let it stayed on my fingers a little longer than it should. so finally when i gathered more physical strength, opened my eyes and i saw a piece of red tissue on my hand the size of a viagra pill (not that i know how big it really is, but my general assumption is the tissue was the size of some pill and viagra is well known enough to use as a sample).
while maintaining integrity as much as possible, i rushed to the washroom and looked into my mouth, there was bloody everywhere. to me, there was two possibility how it happened
a) i gave cunnilingus to some who has period.
b) my mouth is having it's period.
i had to opt with the latter just because i don't quite remember having an upclose & personal relation with the female genitalia before i slept. therefore, the influx of bloody in the mouth must be a message from the big guy above that i've been obscene vocabularies too much lately.
the talk about period in my mouth is bollocks. we all know men don't get period. in retrospect, i went to the dentist yesterday. instead of an uptight chinese man i got as my dentist, it was replaced by a friendly looking indian lady with big bosom.
i should be damned into an eternal bathroom of buggering psycho and soap on the floor if i checked out my dentist's tits upon entering a pain inflicting room. thing is, when i roped to the chair, the dentist leaned forward to check out my teeth and her breast was all over my face. i mean all over it. despite having a rack of tits on my face, the pain was not short of overwhelming, if not on tallest order of the pain hierarchy. she was pushing forward as i was pushing away from her. damn those huge tits.
when the dentist was done, she gave me some painkillers and told me my gum is gonna swell a little the next day.
hell, i didn't except to have a period in my mouth the next day, dammit.