(Wednesday, July 12, 2006)
i received a the harsh truth about everything will die, sooner or later, yesterday
the power interruption at my place sent my computer straight to hell. (in my humble opinion, dead things just die. there's not heaven or hell. but hell sounds good in that sentence) if there was a highway that doesn't collect toll fare to hell, i'm pretty sure my computer is done and over with the highway. unless otherwise, maybe it's still on it's way.
that fucking blue coloured (oh yeah, the colour's not exactly sexy) workstation with enormous amount of porn and music just died. there's 50 titles of kinky porn inside. everything that goes from innocent japanese chicks to sexy latina to farm sex (man + chicken) is vanished. it also means my end to graphical sex arrangement, well, i could, maybe, possibly pay a couple to have sex in front of me...drop me a call couples, i pay well, i am rich.
now, imagine marco materazzi's face when zidane buttheaded him. i look exactly like that now. the mixed signals of my brain affirmed that i will have to mourn this new-found bane profusely. at a fucking moment like this, i wish i own an alternative hobby. fuck that horse shit.
i guess the particular porno that i would miss most would be the one with paris hilton in it. i have this theory, everytime paris does something great like get her own reality show or make her own album, i'd re-watch her home video. again, and again. isn't it completely cool when celebrity goes has one or two missing homevideos for our humble perusal?
enough about porn.
2:34 PM
dorky game
(Tuesday, July 11, 2006)
the BIG GAME was two days ago. the italians won. the french are sore losers. the FIFA governing body is a fucking pussy. the refree is blind on an elephant scale. the english player were pompous and useless. the portugals played like thugs. the japanese might as well play wearing women's panties, those pansies. the argentines were good and ze germans were just ze germans.
3:11 PM
that fucking traitor
liEw, 18 and since 2002, 270lbs, 5ft, brazilian chinese russian icelander hybrid, black eyes, short black hair, racist, antisocial, semi-alcoholic, ignorant, exhales profanity, black-poetry fanatic